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Dream Big: A Collection Of 50+ Inspirational Quotes

Dream Big: A Collection Of 50+ Inspirational Quotes


"Dreams are the fuel that powers our aspirations and propels us toward greater heights. They are the silent whispers of our hearts, urging us to aim higher, reach farther, and embrace the boundless potential that lies within us. Each of us carries dreams, both big and small, waiting to be nurtured, realized, and celebrated.

In this article, aptly titled 'Dream Big: A Collection Of 50+ Inspirational Quotes,' we embark on a journey into the world of dreams and aspirations. Here, we explore a treasury of timeless wisdom from brilliant minds, celebrated authors, and accomplished dreamers who have left their indelible mark on the pages of history. These quotes, like beacons of hope, illuminate the path to your most audacious dreams.

This collection serves as a wellspring of inspiration, reminding us that dreams are not mere whims but potent sources of vision, purpose, and ambition. Whether you aspire to conquer towering mountains, build thriving businesses, or make a difference in the lives of others, these quotes are your companions on this journey of self-discovery and achievement.

As we delve into these inspirational quotes, let them kindle the fires of determination within you. Feel the resonance of their wisdom as they unveil the power of resilience, self-belief, and relentless pursuit. Let these quotes inspire you to dream big and seize your destiny. So, without further ado, let's immerse ourselves in this rich tapestry of inspiration, with each quote bringing you one step closer to not just dreaming big, but living big, too."

follow your dreams quotes

Follow Your Dreams Quotes:

1. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

2. "Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision, a plan, and the courage to chase it relentlessly." - Walt Disney

3. "Follow your passion; it will lead you to your purpose." - Oprah Winfrey

4. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson

5. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

6. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

7. "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

8. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

9. "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

10. "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

11. "The only thing standing between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible." - Joel Brown

12. "Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you." - Tony Hsieh

13. "The distance between your dreams and reality is called action." - Unknown

14. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

15. "Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again." - KT Witten

16. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

17. "Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart." - Roy T. Bennett

18. "The future starts today, not tomorrow." - Pope John Paul II

19. "Believe you can, and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

20. "Your dreams are what define your individuality. They have the power to give you wings and make you fly high." - P. V. Sindhu

21. "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." - James Dean

22. "The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." - Colin R. Davis

23. "Dream big and dare to fail." - Norman Vaughan

24. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

25. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller

26. "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston S. Churchill

27. "Dreams are the touchstones of our character." - Henry David Thoreau

28. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

29. "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you can imagine it." - George Lucas

30. "Your dream job does not exist. You must create it." - Unknown

31. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

32. "Your dreams are worth the chase; they are worth the risk." - Unknown

33. "Your time is now. Start where you stand and never back down." - Tom Hopkins

34. "Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect." - Alan Cohen

35. "The dreamers are the saviors of the world." - James Allen

36. "The only way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." - Paul Valery

37. "Life is full of adventure. There's no such thing as a clear pathway." - Guy Laliberté

38. "Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

39. "To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe." - Anatole France

40. "Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." - Marsha Norman

41. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." - Suzy Kassem

42. "Success is not in what you have, but who you have become." - Bo Bennett

43. "Your dream is worth fighting for, and while you're at it, remember to enjoy the journey." - Unknown

44. "The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough." - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

45. "Never let your fear decide your future." - Shalane Flanagan

46. "The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible." - Joel Brown

47. "Your dreams are the paint; your life is the canvas. Make sure all your dreams are seen on the canvas of your life." - Unk...

48. "Your dreams are the wings that will allow you to fly. Reach for them." - Unknown

49. "No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again." - Buddha

50. "The distance between your dreams and reality is called discipline." - Unknown

51. "The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win." - Kobe Bryant

52. "Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision, a plan, determination, and courage." - Ralph Marston

53. "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." - Unknown

54. "Dreams are the foundation of success. Keep building." - Unknown

55. "Don't be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone." - Unknown

56. "Life is short; live it to the fullest. Follow your dreams." - Unknown

57. "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

58. "It's time to start living the life you've imagined." - Henry James

59. "Dare to dream, and all you wish for will be yours." - Ralph Marston

60. "Live the life you've imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

61. "Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born." - Dale Turner

62. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

63. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - Harriet Tubman

64. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson

65. "Chase your dreams, but always know the road that will lead you home again." - Tim McGraw

66. "Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." - John Updike

67. "In order to carry a positive action, we must develop a positive vision." - Dalai Lama

68. "Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality." - Les Brown

69. "The dreamers are the saviors of the world." - James Allen

70. "Every morning brings new potential, but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities." - Harvey Mackay


These quotes, full of wisdom and inspiration, serve as a reminder that your dreams are worth pursuing. Use them as a source of motivation, and remember that the journey to achieving your dreams may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Keep believing in yourself, taking action, and staying determined, and your dreams will become a reality. Your future is limited only by your imagination and the persistence with which you chase your dreams.


1. Why is it important to follow your dreams?

  •    Following your dreams is important because it gives your life purpose and direction. It allows you to set and work toward meaningful goals, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

2. How can I identify my dreams and passions?

  •    Identifying your dreams and passions requires introspection. Ask yourself what activities bring you joy and fulfillment, and what you could spend hours doing without feeling like it's work. Your passions are often tied to what genuinely excites you.

3. What if my dream seems unrealistic or unattainable?

  •    It's common for dreams to seem unrealistic at first. Break down your big dream into smaller, actionable steps. Create a plan, seek guidance from mentors, and take consistent action to move closer to your dream.

4. How do I stay motivated when pursuing my dreams gets tough?

  •    Motivation can wane during challenging times. To stay motivated, remind yourself of your "why" – why you started pursuing your dream in the first place. Surround yourself with supportive people, set achievable milestones, and celebrate small wins along the way.

5. Is it ever too late to pursue your dreams?

  •    It's never too late to pursue your dreams. Many successful people achieved their dreams later in life. Age is just a number; what matters is your determination and willingness to work towards your goals.

6. How can I balance pursuing my dreams with my current responsibilities?

  •    Balancing dreams with responsibilities can be a challenge. Time management is key. Allocate specific time blocks for working on your dreams, and be disciplined in following your schedule. It may also involve sacrificing some non-essential activities.

7. What role does self-belief play in achieving one's dreams?

  •    Self-belief is crucial in achieving your dreams. If you don't believe in yourself and your capabilities, it's challenging to persevere through difficulties. Cultivate self-confidence by setting and achieving small goals, which can gradually boost your belief in yourself.

8. How can I deal with fear and self-doubt when pursuing my dreams?

  •    Fear and self-doubt are common barriers. Acknowledge them but don't let them control your actions. Seek support from friends or a coach, practice positive self-talk, and visualize your success to counteract self-doubt.

9. What is the importance of setting clear goals when pursuing dreams?

  •    Clear goals provide direction and a sense of purpose. They help you know what steps to take and how to measure progress. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can keep you on track.

10. Can pursuing your dreams lead to financial success?

  •    Pursuing your dreams can lead to financial success, but it's not guaranteed. It depends on the nature of your dream and your business or career choices. Financial success often follows when your dream aligns with your skills and the market's demand.

Remember that pursuing your dreams is a personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is to stay focused, remain persistent, and never stop believing in the power of your dreams.

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